By: Karen Evans

KAREN EVANS!: Can you share your story of how you began your journey in real estate and how you have intertwined being a realtor, opera singer, and Artist?

ARTIST: Well, we need to go way back to 1996, after experiencing unfortunate discrimination working with a meat distribution company as a national sales trainer. I was very young at the time, fresh out of high school, newly married, with a growing family, and I decided to leave that company after that bad experience. I came across an employment ad from Mortgage Investors Corporation,

looking for Loan Officers to help Veterans reduce their interest rates and save them thousands in interest. That was my birth into the real estate industry. What better place to help veterans than in Military City, USA? I traveled from Temple, TX, down to the Rio Grande Valley and everywhere in between and enjoyed the position until the need to learn more about the mortgage industry and other loan products influenced my decision to work for a different mortgage company that allowed me to understand not only refinancing loan products but also learn about the purchase market and the various loans available for first-time homebuyers. After a couple of years of gaining vast knowledge in the industry, I opened up my own mortgage company. I helped my clients sell their homes for free as long as I was the lender in the transaction. Luckily, I came across a Real estate broker who learned about me selling homes at no cost, and she told me, “You do know you can earn a commission selling Real Estate; all you need is a Real Estate License, “I was like, OK” so I went to Champions School of Real Estate and got my license in May of 2008, and I’ve been selling ever since. I consider it a blessing, and I love working with families and individuals to be a piece of the puzzle in achieving home ownership or selling their homes. I’m proud to say, “My Real Estate business is 100% referral-based.”

My life continues to evolve, and I continue to pursue my dreams and aspirations. My newly found gift of singing allows me to continue living life to the fullest. As I continue to learn how to use my instrument, I feel it’s important in life not to stagnate but to continue learning new things. My art is another thing in my life that I pursue with a passion; I love to paint, and it’s also helped me with my creativity in my other business, flipping homes. The ability to purchase the worst-looking home in the neighborhood and transform and renovate it to become the most beautiful home is like starting a new canvas and creating a stunning piece of art. The goal is the same…..pour my heart into it and watch it come alive!

KAREN EVANS!: What themes do you explore?

ARTIST: Mainly Spiritual. My belief that we are not alone is one reason why I am fascinated with painting angels. I deeply feel a calling to paint what I think, what moves me—the ability to stress compassion, empathy, and perseverance. My life has not been a bed of roses, but I remain focused and allow only positive thoughts to run through my mind.

KAREN EVANS!: What advice would you give others who aspire to pursue diverse passions and careers simultaneously?

ARTIST: I recently learned about a different concept of thinking. That is…we have four different parts to our heart. Each can directly correlate to four specific gifts or distinct careers you can still be passionate about. As a very passionate person, I wouldn’t say I like doing anything without it being the best that I can be. I am my hardest critic, the one I have the most challenging time convincing. As long as you’re giving 100% of your abilities into what you do, then more power to you!