Some people are immediate believers of what they hear about an event while others may take time to analyze the story to decide whether what they hear could actually be true or not. There are also those who, regardless of what people who are likely to actually know the details behind the event say, will consider the happening to be untrue and claim it is certainly a conspiracy theory. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary a conspiracy theory is one that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually 

powerful conspirators, or a theory asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public.

There are a number of events that have occurred over time that are still being labeled untrue by conspiracy theorists who most likely  believe that the reason for the story is just the government’s way of gaining recognition or explaining away some plot against the public. Despite all the evidence available there are today still substantial numbers of individuals worldwide who believe the moon landing never actually happened but was rather a staged event, filmed in a studio so the United States could claim victory in the space race. According to a summary of opinion polls noted in Wikipedia: in 1994 only 86% of Americans believed  the moon landings were real;  in 2000, 28% of Russians thought the landings were a hoax and in the United Kingdom in 2009, 25% of 18-25 year olds believed the landings were faked.

It would seem that every time something noteworthy happens anywhere in the world there is, almost immediately, a conspiracy theory to provide either the inaccurate reason for the occurrence or to debunk the idea completely. Although Elvis Presley, the King of Rock, died in 1977 there continues to be reported sightings of him around the world, including in Russia, at Graceland where he tends the grounds and at a Burger King in Kalamazoo, MI. Many of the theorists believe Elvis worked for the FBI and had to fake his death because the mafia was after him and he had to go into the witness protection program. Really?

Sometimes an event can conjure up some of the wildest conspiracy theories to go along with a whole host of myths, legends and other bits of misinformation, and such has long been the case following the opening of the new Denver airport in 1955. Regardless of whether it was the Freemasons, the New World Order or the Illuminati, the one certain and prevailing legend about the airport is that it was built by a secret society whose headquarters lie beneath it. Or perhaps all three worked together to accomplish the feat. The evidence to support these claims comes primarily from a dedication capstone at one entrance to the facility that references the generosity of local Masonic lodges and bears their Square & Compasses symbol. The capstone also mentions the New World Airport Commission, which if it ever did exist does no longer, and under that capstone is a time capsule containing items and messages from that time to be opened in 2094. But wait – there’s more!

While airport officials agree that the area below it has a train system to transport passengers between terminals and several offices for staff, the majority of theories posit miles and miles of tunnels extending a hundred or more miles beyond the airport along with bunkers and buildings where the society members can safely wait out the coming apocalypse. There is also much made of the artwork placed in and around the airport in that it is suggested that the works contain messages about the coming end times. In addition to two exceptionally large murals and numerous photos there are two gargoyles purported to be in place to ward off evil spirits, however, many passengers view them as being the evil spirits themselves. And then there is a sculpture of Mustang, a blue horse with red eyes and a Medusa-like mane, standing 32 feet tall on its hind legs that Denver residents call “Blucifer.“ After working on the sculpture for 10 years the artist was killed when a piece of it fell, severing an artery in his leg. Ultimately the sculptor’s children had to finish his final work of art. Story just adds to the theory!!

 Sometimes all it takes to set conspiracy theorists in motion is to have a writer suggest that there is a major power at work globally that is determined to change the world by taking control of it and subjugating its occupants. When British author and former BBC sports reporter, David Icke released his book “The Biggest Secret,”  he made his readers aware that he and those within his movement believe that a secret society of elites are manipulating our human society globally. He talks of the presence among us of shape-shifting extraterrestrials who are in the world now as presidents, actors, prime ministers and athletes and were responsible for 9/11, Covid 19 and Europe’s Holocaust. He looks at the symbols in our world like the dis-embodied eye in the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill that might make one think about a prying authoritarian. Watch out!

So, have you now moved into the 5G age where everything digital is now focused? Well,  be alert as the conspiracy theories are many and varied. What is so dangerous about 5G? Well, it causes both cancer and COVID-19, can burn your skin and was developed by the government to exercise control over its people. And, despite the fact that we know COVID-19 is a virus that spreads from person to person via droplets, that 5G radiation is non-ionizing so will not damage one’s DNA so as to lead to cancer and uses radio waves essentially too weak to cause cancer the theories still persist, And, the true believers are thought to be responsible for several 5G towers being damaged. And, you had better watch out for all those chemtrails in the sky when the jets fly overhead because it is a sure sign that the government has added special chemicals to the plane’s exhaust in a plot to control the weather.

There is, however, one type of conspiracy theory that has been around for a very long time known as the False Flag Theory, where a country claims to have been attacked by another nation to justify their entering a war against that nation. From facts learned since its execution the second Gulf of Tonkin incident is thought to have been used by the United States to justify its entry into the Vietnam War. While that may have been a valid false flag occurrence, many have since tried to account for the 9/11 attacks under that theory claiming our country caused that to gain entry to the Iraq and Afghanistan actions. And, finally in the same category many blame our government for instigating the numerous mass shootings  so they have a reason to take guns away from the people. Seriously?

One might wonder why there are so many people who continue to believe in their conspiracy theories when valid reasons have been offered. Researchers have found that there are no demographic differences among the theorists, i.e. they are not less educated, poorer or any different ethnically than those who seem to accept the  correct information, but they do share a major distrust of government with other conspiracy theorists making them more likely to agree with false information. So what about you – are you able to adjust to weigh the pros and cons of the explanations that are offered following a frightening situation or are you also ready to blame the government motivation or a nefarious plot by an elite secret society for the outcome?