It is historically significant that the right to vote has been a subject of contention almost since the United States was first established as an independent nation in 1776. Most of us today are happy to call voting just that (voting) but when one starts to research this activity theyContinue Reading

According to available historical information, Chicago Title can trace its beginnings to original abstract firms in business in Chicago, IL that were utilizing a system devised in 1847 to keep track of every recorded instrument and legal proceeding affecting real estate titles. It is most fortunate that this information wasContinue Reading

The year I qualified to vote, there was no presidential election. I was too young for the epic Carter/Ford battle and had to wait for the Carter/Reagan fun. In the interim, I did exercise my right to vote in the city, county and state elections that fell into my voterContinue Reading

Can you believe it has been 6 months since Covid-19 started? Do you remember what you were doing when this first hit? Some of us were looking forward to filling our calendars with educational classes, family outings, vacations, work conventions, holidays and so much more. Ok, so Covid-19 showed upContinue Reading

Fourteen years ago, loyal, long-time readers might recall a column about my favorite niece, Wilhelmina. Actually, there have been several columns, but this one was set in the peace of our family church and this first-time aunt was attempting to keep her neice ‘quietly entertained’ during the Mass. I wasContinue Reading

They may crank up the grill to toss on hamburgers and hot dogs for family and friends or attend the local parades, concerts and fireworks displays, or perhaps spend the day at the beach, but most people in this country will take time on the Fourth of July to celebrateContinue Reading

Back in the 1900’s, when I was a high school civics teacher, my communication was with a piece of chalk, a black board and a loud voice.  If I had the energy, I would sign out the overhead projector, find some plastic sheets and blind myself scribbling notes that projectedContinue Reading

Being in the property management business brings on a lot of misconceptions. Some common ones I’ve heard are, property managers are only in it for the money, property managers don’t care about owner’s properties and the big one – property management is easy. I’ve been doing this for 19 yearsContinue Reading

Now that we have taken time to remember those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms on Memorial Day 2020 it is perhaps appropriate that we now turn our attention to the wars occurring during the last two centuries that were responsible for filling many of the graves inContinue Reading

Too much information might be the cause of my sketchy memory.  Too much mindless television might be the cause of my sketchy memory.  Too much tequila in too many margaritas is most likely the cause of my sketchy memory.  The fact I am processing my memory capacity is a signContinue Reading