A “thingy” has been defined as a word that one uses to replace the word they either don’t know or may have forgotten at the moment and is similar to a “do-hickey,” a “whatchamacallit” or a “thingamajig.” To illustrate one might say, “you know that thingy in math that tellsContinue Reading

Being in the property management business brings on a lot of misconceptions. Some common ones I’ve heard are, property managers are only in it for the money, property managers don’t care about owner’s properties and the big one – property management is easy. I’ve been doing this for 19 yearsContinue Reading

When you find yourself with time on your hands and nothing better to do it can be entertaining to have some things to contemplate. Perhaps you might think about something like why is that you cannot swallow and breathe at the same time or hum while holding your nose orContinue Reading

We are all watching, whether avidly or incidentally, the progress being made in the sciences especially as it pertains to the technology field today and noting how these advances may be way beyond what we had ever imagined would be possible in our lifetime. For example, we are now seeingContinue Reading

No one saw it coming and it came out of nowhere with force and speed that spread like wildfire. On March 13th I was enjoying the waves and beach of S Padre Island and a few days later, I came home to long lines outside of HEB. Those long linesContinue Reading

As we lounge around in our sweatpants and sip our ‘coffee’, we may or may not be free to hug our mothers this fast-approaching Mother’s Day.  My last official Mother’s Day hug was 17 years ago, in simpler times when my mother would tie up the family landline misusing theContinue Reading

The timeline of my life is so uncool it stays cool.  By the time I make a decision to join the crowd in whatever is the ‘it’ item of the moment, the ‘it’ item is no longer a thing and I usually remain untapped for the additional expenses of theContinue Reading

The 2020 Grammy’s are in the books, but my deadline preceded the winning announcements.  Not that I claim to be a musical aficionado.  My airwave expertise lives with talk radio.  I can name the host of most discussion-based broadcasts, but the musical side of the business is lost on me. Continue Reading

As we reflect, this New Year’s Day, on the speedy passing of time, I attempted to remember what was happening a decade ago in my life.  To my shock, my handy smart phone did not travel back in time that far as we were not as apped to app inContinue Reading